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Novaland offers assistance to talents on multi-platform cross promotions, content monetization, video/ live stream content creation, and audience/ follower development.

Game Influencer Management

Our management team services both gamers and platforms. We work with broadcasters to improve their streaming career via promotion, professional consultation, and developing their brand on our partnered video/live-streaming platforms.
We deliver customized personal services to help artists maximize their potentials through professional training sessions, personal development consulting, and content development strategies.

Social Media influencer Management

As a talent management company, Novaland Media has over 150 talents who we are currently managing and we keep expanding our roster. We works closely with different social media platforms to help clients develop their niche in as well as build their social media images. We provide a personal and customized approach to communicate with our talents and give our talents feedback as we assist them in establishing presence and creating their own brands on social media platforms. With our resources, our talents are able to attract a great following and have big social media influences. In addition, our talents are given a variety of opportunities to attend exclusive events that allow them to make connections and stay relevant, which is beneficial to advancing their careers.

The first annual Novaland Media Influencer party, with more than 100 uprising influencers!